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IRISH Forum-ERIN GO BRAGH -News From Around The World We Hope ALL MEMBERS & Those of IRISH Descent Will EnjoyTheir Reports-Erin go Bragh!

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Old 05-05-24, 04:53   #1
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Angry Mans' 10 Chilling Words as He Tried to Snatch Baby From Pram in Dublin

Mans' 10 Chilling Words to Screaming Mum as He Tried to Snatch Child Out of Pram in Dublin

Man detained following alleged attempt to abduct child in Dublin city

A man aged in his late 20s is currently detained at a garda station in the Dublin area

Irish Mirror 5 MAY 2024

A man who allegedly tried to snatch a baby from its pram told locals a chilling 10-word sentence as they wrestled him to the ground.

Neighbours were alerted to a man trying to snatch a baby from its pram in a front garden after hearing the mother scream for help and came rushing outside to help

A mother had left her pram in a front garden when she went into her home for a moment to get her bag, it was reported. Witnesses said they heard a mother's screams as she fought off a man who was allegedly trying to wheel the pram away.

Vigilant locals jumped in and managed to restrain the suspect until police arrived. The man was detained and held in custody overnight.

A shaken neighbour, who did not want to be identified, told the Irish Mirror: "The atmosphere in the area changed so much after this."

She continued: "I went outside and asked what’s wrong and she told me a man tried to take her child, tried to snatch the baby out of the pram and tried to wheel the pram out of the garden. Several other neighbours came out of their homes and we all saw the man walking slowly away. He then walked back towards us and was smiling. It was so disturbing."

The witness told how the mother of the child then grabbed a sweeping brush and began brandishing it in an attempt to get him away. The man allegedly turned to the people surrounding him and muttered: "You will understand why I wanted to take the child".

She said: "I thought the child’s mother was going to collapse. She was that upset over what happened." She added: "The child’s poor mother is traumatised and really shaken up. Everyone is frightened. I am even too scared to walk to work anymore. Within a split second, the atmosphere changed in the area.

"Kids were earlier playing outside and then this happened in broad daylight. It’s just so frightening. It has shocked the whole of Sheriff Street, the children are too afraid to go outside and play now because of this."

Local Dublin City Councillor Nial Ring said: "It was horrific. Only with the vigilance of a couple of local people you never know what could have happened."

Yesterday, a spokesperson for the national police and Security Service of Ireland said:

"Gardai from Store Street responded to an incident in the Sheriff Street area of Dublin shortly after 12 noon on Thursday, May 2. A man, aged in his late 20s, was arrested at the scene for an alleged offence under the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997, and is currently detained at a Garda Station in the Dublin Region under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984.

An Garda Síochána is currently investigating and verifying the details of this incident. Enquiries are ongoing."
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