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Old 13-02-17, 03:38   #1
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Unhappy PhOtOs-3 miles of 650 Whales Stranded on New Zealand Beach

WARNING; The Photos Posted Below are VERY Upsetting !!!

Anguish as 240 MORE Whales are Stranded on a Remote Beach Just Hours After Rescuers Refloated 100 Survivors From an Earlier Group

  • The incident is the worst of its kind in New Zealand's history
  • More than 100 rescuers braved sharks and stingrays to form a human chain
  • The 650 pilot whales all beached along a three-mile stretch of shore
Daily Mail Australia, 12 February 2017

The mass stranding of whales on a remote beach in New Zealand took a sad twist yesterday as a new pod of 240 whales swam aground.

The new group has taken the total number of whales beached on the shore to over 650, making it one of the worst incidents of its kind in New Zealand’s history.

The latest pod of whales were washed on the shore only hours after rescuers refloated 100 survivors from the earlier group of 416 stranded whales.

Dead Pilot whales line the shore after being stranded for a second time at the remote Farewell Spit in New Zealand

A volunteer pours water on pilot whales after anpother mass stranding at Farewell Spit, where 100 whales were refloated

During the refloating, more than 100 rescuers braved sharks and stingrays to form a human chain in neck-deep water to ensure the whales did not strand themselves on the same beach again.

Yesterday, volunteers – who had arrived from all over New Zealand – were heading back to the beach at Farewell Spit, in the northern tip of South Island, to help the new batch.

The 650 pilot whales all beached along a three-mile stretch of shore, with experts unsure as to what is causing them to swim to ground.
One theory is that the whales were attacked by sharks, as bite marks have been found on the bodies of some.

Volunteers try to guide some of the stranded pilot whales still alive back out to sea after one of the country's largest recorded mass whale strandings

The tragic decision has been made to euthanise 20 pilot whales that have washed ashore again at Farewell Spit

The call has gone out on Saturday evening for volunteers to head to take wet suits, buckets and sheets to a new locations on the spit at the top of the South Island

However, other experts said the presence of so many calves and mothers suggested the stranding is linked to seasonal migration.

New Zealand authorities have revealed 335 whales are dead, of which 20 were euthanised because of their poor condition. Last night, around 200 whales remained stranded as darkness fell and rescuers had to suspend attempts to refloat them.

Experts are sure yesterday’s beaching was of a new pod, as all the whales refloated on Friday were tagged.

About 75 per cent were dead on discovery but since then hundreds of volunteers have worked to refloat whales at high tides

Before a rescue operation could begin, around 275 of the adults and babies had already died

They were found of a beach at Farewell Strip on the South Island, a protruding coastline with gently sloping beaches

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Old 28-09-18, 19:41   #2
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Earth Orca 'Apocalypse': Half of Killer Whales Will Die From Pollution

Orca 'Apocalypse': Half of Killer Whales Doomed to Die From Pollution

The Guardian UK, 28 Sep 2018.

Banned PCB chemicals are still severely harming the animals – but Arctic could be a refuge

At least half of the world’s killer whale populations are doomed to extinction due to toxic and persistent pollution of the oceans, according to a major new study.

Although the poisonous chemicals, PCBs, have been banned for decades, they are still leaking into the seas. They become concentrated up the food chain; as a result, killer whales, the top predators, are the most contaminated animals on the planet. Worse, their fat-rich milk passes on very high doses to their newborn calves.

PCB concentrations found in killer whales can be 100 times safe levels and severely damage reproductive organs, cause cancer and damage the immune system. The new research analysed the prospects for killer whale populations over the next century and found those offshore from industrialised nations could vanish as soon as 30-50 years.

Among those most at risk are the UK’s last pod, where a recent death revealed one of the highest PCB levels ever recorded. Others off Gibraltar, Japan and Brazil and in the north-east Pacific are also in great danger. Killer whales are one of the most widespread mammals on earth but have already been lost in the North Sea, around Spain and many other places.

“It is like a killer whale apocalypse,” said Paul Jepson at the Zoological Society of London, part of the international research team behind the new study. “Even in a pristine condition they are very slow to reproduce.” Healthy killer whales take 20 years to reach peak sexual maturity and 18 months to gestate a calf.

PCBs were used around the world since the 1930s in electrical components, plastics and paints but their toxicity has been known for 50 years. They were banned by nations in the 1970s and 1980s but 80% of the 1m tonnes produced have yet to be destroyed and are still leaking into the seas from landfills and other sources.

The international Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants came into force in 2004 to tackle the issue, but Jepson said the clean-up is way behind schedule. “I think the Stockholm Convention is failing,” he said. “The only area where I am optimistic is the US. They alone produced 50% of all PCBs, but they have been getting PCB levels down consistently for decades. All we have done in Europe is ban them and then hope they go away.”

The researchers said PCBs are just one pollutant found in killer whales, with “a long list of additional known and as yet unmeasured contaminants present”. Further problems for killer whales include the loss of key prey species such as tuna and sharks to overfishing and also growing underwater noise pollution.

The new research, published in the journal Science, examined PCB contamination in 351 killer whales, the largest analysis yet. The scientists then took existing data on how PCBs affect calf survival and immune systems in whales and used this to model how populations will fare in the future. “Populations of Japan, Brazil, Northeast Pacific, Strait of Gibraltar, and the United Kingdom are all tending toward complete collapse,” they concluded.

Lucy Babey, deputy director at conservation group Orca, said: “Our abysmal failures to control chemical pollution ending up in our oceans has caused a killer whale catastrophe on an epic scale. It is essential that requirements to dispose safely of PCBs under the Stockholm Convention are made legally binding at the next meeting in May 2019 to help stop this scandal.” Scientists have previously found “extraordinary” levels of toxic pollution even in the 10km-deep Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean.

“This new study is a global red alert on the state of our oceans,” said Jennifer Lonsdale, chair of the Wildlife and Countryside Link’s whales group. “If the UK government wants its [proposed] Environment Act to be world-leading, it must set ambitious targets on PCB disposal and protect against further chemical pollution of our waters.”

The research shows that killer whale populations in the high north, off Norway, Iceland, Canada and the Faroes, are far less contaminated due to their distance from major PCB sources. ”The only thing that gives me hope about killer whales in the longer term is, yes, we are going to lose populations all over the industrialised areas, but there are populations that are doing reasonably well in the Arctic,” said Jepson.

If a global clean-up, which would take decades, can be achieved, these populations could eventually repopulate empty regions, he said, noting that killer whales are very intelligent, have strong family bonds and hunt in packs. “It is an incredibly adaptive species – they have been able to [live] from the Arctic to the Antarctic and everywhere in between.”

He praised the billion-dollar “superfund” clean-ups in the US, such as in the Hudson River and Puget Sound, where the polluter has paid most of the costs: “The US is going way beyond the Stockholm Convention because they know how toxic PCBs are.”
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Old 24-09-20, 15:25   #3
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Movies Almost 400 Whales Die in Australia's Worst Stranding

Pilot Whales Tasmania: Almost 400 Die in Australia's Worst Stranding

About 380 whales have died in what is suspected to be Australia's largest stranding on record, officials say.

BBC News •24 Sep 2020

Since Monday, hundreds of long-finned pilot whales have been found beached on Tasmania's west coast.

Rescuers had managed to save 50 by late on Wednesday, and they were trying to help the remaining estimated 30 whales.

Tasmanian government officials said the rescue effort would continue "as long as there are live animals".

"While they're still alive and in water, there's still hope for them - but as time goes on they do become more fatigued," said Nic Deka, regional manager for Tasmania's Parks and Wildlife Service.

He added the focus would now also shift to removing the hundreds of carcasses scattered along the coast. A clean-up plan is still being worked out - in the past carcasses have been buried on the shore or dragged out to open sea.

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Movies ORCAS Attacking BOATS in The Atlantic....

ORCAS Attacking BOATS in The Atlantic

SURROUNDED AT SEA > Brit sailor relives ‘terrifying’ ordeal as orcas attacked his boat for hours as he called coastguard begging for help

In the past six months there have been at least 40 reported incidents involving orcas off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.

BBC 1 DEC 2020

For two hours, six or seven orcas, also known as killer whales, continuously rammed the underside of David Smith's 45ft yacht as he was sailing off the coast of Portugal last month.

"I don’t frighten easily and this was terrifying," David said i

"It was continuous. I think there were six or seven animals, but it seemed like the juvenile ones - the smaller ones - were most active.

"They seemed to be going for the rudder, the wheel would just start spinning really fast every time there was an impact."

During the terrifying ordeal, David was part of a team delivering a boat from France to Gibraltar - he had "quit the rat race to sail" back in 2013.

The crew initially thought the killers whales were dolphins, but soon realised they were behaving strangely.

The team knew something was wrong after one of the whales disappeared beneath the boat and David heard a loud thumping sound.

David contacted the Portuguese coastguard 20 miles away in Porto, who advised David and his team to be as "uninteresting" as possible and switch off the motor and take down the sails.

“So then we were just drifting. But while I was on the phone I could hear them ramming the boat," David said.

"At one point, one of the larger animals came right to the stern and flipped onto its back – you could see its bright white underside."

David, who was concerned the whales might dislodge the rudder stock, said he "was definitely preparing to ask the Portuguese coastguard to send a helicopter to get us off".

An hour before sunset, one of the crew called out.

“He said: ‘It looks like we have some large dolphins,’” recalls David.

The only other encounter he had had with an orca was more than 20 years ago in a Vancouver aquarium, but he was in no doubt that he was looking at a group of killer whales.

“They were right at the back of the boat.”

A sense of curiosity and excitement very quickly turned to fear when one orca disappeared beneath the boat and there was a loud thumping sound from the hull.

The boat was 20 miles (32.2km) off Porto, at least three hours from the Portuguese coast. With their VHF radio out of range, they had to use the satellite phone to contact the coastguard, who advised them to switch off the motor and take down the sails. Be as “uninteresting” as possible, they said.

“So then we were just drifting. But while I was on the phone I could hear them ramming the boat. At one point, one of the larger animals came right to the stern and flipped onto its back – you could see its bright white underside.”

The repeated thudding, unsettling as it was, was not David’s biggest fear. As the wheel spun back and forth, he thought the animals might be about to dislodge the rudder stock - a steering column through the hull of the boat.

“If that fractures, you’re really in trouble,” he says. “I was definitely preparing to ask the Portuguese coastguard to send a helicopter to get us off.”

The encounter is one of at least 40 similar incidents in the area. During the summer of 2020, the strangest of summers for so many of us, a group of killer whales off the coast of Spain and Portugal began to act very strangely indeed.

Accounts of the incidents suggested that the animals were deliberately targeting sailing boats. As David puts it: “They came to us, not the other way around.”

The first reported incident was back in July, the most recent at the end of October.

Behind international headlines about “rogue killer whales”, “orchestrated” orca attacks and the videos shared thousands of times on social media, there is a forensic marine science investigation that is still trying to work out what is driving these complex, intelligent and highly social marine mammals to behave in this way.

‘I just didn’t believe it’

“After about an hour, we were confident they’d left us.”

The crew moved the boat closer to the coast - back within radio range. When they reached Gibraltar to carry out a more thorough check for damage, their boat became another piece of evidence in the ongoing investigation.

It's not unusual to see killer whales in these Atlantic waters. For millennia they have pursued their favourite prey, bluefin tuna, as the fish migrate along the hundreds of miles of Portuguese and Spanish coast, and through the narrow Strait o

As the light faded, the reverberating thuds from beneath the boat continued. Then David noticed the lights of a fishing boat in the distance.

“We put up the sail, with the idea that if things really went south, we would have another boat to jump onto.”

Finally, after two hours, as unexpectedly as it started, it all went quiet. No sound for five minutes, then nothing for 10. The wheel stopped sf Gibraltar, to breed in warmer Mediterranean waters.

hales are PACK animals & are more intelligent than man.. So many have beached in the last couple of years in many countries..

They are trying to warn MANKIND...but no-one is listening...

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